Condense was born from a simple observation

A revolution is sweeping the business world. Big businesses are profiting from business intelligence: leveraging data-driven insights and action to grow and thrive. So, why don't all businesses take advantage of data insight?

The reality is, these technologies are available right now; you just need the know-how. We combine experience in engineering, research, marketing and strategy to bring these technologies to your business and bottom line.

You can have the transparency to make the decisions to give your business the best returns.

You can take advantage of your own data assets, even if you aren't all that stats savvy.

Ask us how today.

Meet the team

Oliver George

Oliver is a strategic thinker who uses data to drive innovation and gain competitive edge. He brings 10 years of experience in the analytical world of digital marketing in both the UK and Australia, delivering data solutions in agency and technology vendor roles, and leveraging data assets in the public and private sector.

Mark Hepburn

Mark is the brain behind Condense's core technology and data engineering. With a passion for distilling complex data into simple visualisations that capture hidden insights without losing vital information, Mark has created multiple award-winning applications for the CSIRO. He has a Bachelor of Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Tasmania.

Contact Information


At Condense, we help businesses take advantage of data. We create systems which transform data into informed action. Your team can have the right information at their fingertips to make informed decisions that will give your business the best returns.